There’s a Kingdom in the land between Earth and Sky. This Kingdom has known only one ruler and is commanded by only one King. Throughout all the worlds this ruler is spoken of with the highest respect and he rules with a gentle compassionate hand. This is a story of greatness, of adventure, and of how this amazing King came to power. This is the story of King Benjamin.

As legend has it, a humble yet powerful Watcher was patrolling the dimensions looking for greatness. During his travels, he became weary and discouraged to find that in all the lands there was only mediocrity. This mediocrity was praised as though it was greatness and the time from which powerful kings and emperors were born, had long since passed. Just as the Watcher thought hope was lost, he was reminded of an ancient city. This ageless land was once the home of great and powerful Elves. It is said that in this city there was love between a Hockey King, the most powerful of Elves, and a Musical Earthly Princess.

This type of love was forbidden by earthly reality. Although the King saw the beauty of the Princess, for decades their hearts were guarded by the shield of reality. Only after many years, the power of the universe, fantasy, and fate could finally work in unison to defeat the spell of reality and allow the two hearts to join in love. Through this union, was born a child. This child was so mighty, that even at a young age his squirm, grunt, and squeak combination would command the greatest army. At a mere snort, those around him jump into action often feeding him as he lounges. The Elves had a word for such greatness, Benja, and with this greatness, he shall rule men.

This was the excellence the Watcher was looking for. This is the legend of King Benjamin, the famed ruler of the land between Earth and Sky.


© Michael Scheumack 2017

Meet Benjamin, my amazing nephew who rules with a gentle hand and builds peace between nations with his magnetic personality.