In a small village, just past reality and slightly beyond fantasy, there exists the humble but amazing clan of Scheumacks. Every generation of Scheumack, from grand pappy and memaw, to mother and father, down to sons and daughters have been raised passing down the stories and legends of the great and powerful vine.

As legend tells, the vine grew out of the love of a unicorn and dragon. One day a fierce battle erupted in the land between the unicorns and dragons. This battle was unlike any battle ever known, for this battle was a battle for love. Hour after hour, day after day as the battle ensued, dragons and unicorns fell as the life blood left their bodies. It is said that when the blood of the two foes touched, something magical happened. Life began to grow and…Totally kidding, we make this stuff at our house in Rancho Cucamonga. But seriously, it’s so amazing that you will believe it was made from the magical love of dragons and unicorns.