The Keepers
On a cool brisk morning, they woke to the sound of crashing waves. The dawn was void of disruption and the balance of nature’s symphony filled them with peace and solitude. With a deep breath, they opened their eyes to take in the beauty that was laid out before them. Through their gaze, the ocean began to reveal something of grace and beauty. As if being materialized by the fog itself, a family of what looked like the kin of an ancient ocean dwelling people emerged. The impression of this moment overwhelmed them, for these were beings thought only to live within campfire tales. You see, as with most legends, their beginning starts with the first steps of an epic journey. For these magnificent people, their story began centuries ago. It is said that in the days when Dragons roamed the land there were great wars. These wars began to threaten the very existence of each earthly dimension. Battle after battle raged and the thought of peace was long forgotten. It is believed in this time there were a people of the sea…keepers and scribes of history. These ocean dwellers were entrusted by every tribe to record events that took place throughout the land. Overcome by the violence, these great historians began to fade into the deep. Their voice became silenced and the dimensions could no longer remember the...
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