In a little-known town, located in a not much talked about part of the world, lives a humble peasant girl named Christina. One day while walking through the forest of Upland near the unicorn trail, Christina stumbled and fell. With determination and conviction Christina stood back up and searched for the malevolent object that caused her injury. But what she found was no item of malicious intent, in fact it was no ordinary item at all. What Christina found would forever change her humble life. It was an object that when aimed at the extravagant beauty of nature or the adventure of those Christina admired, would capture the moment and allow Christina to relive the journey of the day whenever she desired. As she searched for a name for this amazing item, she pondered calling it a Farrell, an Oz, or possibly a Hetfield. After days of uncertainty only one name would fit, only one name could capture something of this epic proportion, MAGIC…
With my photography, I hope to capture the magic moments and the unique inspirational journey that happens in every day life. At times, people give me the honor of hiring me to be a part and share their unique journey. I hope today you enjoy my work and maybe I will get to come along on your next adventure. Thank you for visiting.